A group of travellers who set up camp on Pleasington Playing Fields have been ordered to leave following complaints of ant-social behaviour.
Livesey with Pleasington Conservative ward Councillors Paul Marrow and Derek Hardman had raised concerns over their presence and the Council served them with an order to leave after complaints about motorbikes being ridden across Witton Park and spitting.
Cllr Hardman said "This will come as a relief to nearby residents and users of the park. The police have been great with the spate of problems in the area with people trying car doors and they have done a tremendous job in the area. This news will be great for local people who were worried about anti-social behaviour and hopefully they will leave as soon as possible".
Cllr Marrow said "The Council make areas available for travellers to use so there is no excuse for them to set up camp in places they shouldn't be".